Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Weird things I can tell about you just by looking at your body

I'm about to give you some new criteria for your next date. Thank me later. 

1) Checking out his ring finger could be your next cheesy pick up line

Thanks to what's called "The Casanova Pattern." If his ring finger is longer than his index finger, then he was exposed to more testosterone in the womb. Double brownie points if he's a stock trader- in a study done by Cambridge University, male stock traders with longer ring fingers made up to 11 times more than their colleagues. Cha-ching!

2) Ears are for more than just nibblin' on

A Swedish study on more than 520 autopsies found that having a crease on your earlobe had a "positive predictive value" of 68% for coronary disease. If he doesn't have a crease, it doesn't mean that he won't get the disease, but if he does, there's a pretty darn good chance he will.

3) "The Toe"

Shallow Hal may have been wrong. Although having a longer second toe has absolutely no proven implications upon a person's personality, the trait (called Morton's Toe) has long been thought to indicate leadership qualities. It was even idealized by the Greeks, and featured in many of their statues. You may have a problem showing your Morton, but Lady Liberty's got no qualms wearing a thong. (The shoe type)

4) Not just another "Purty Mouth"

Ever realized that you're just staring at someones lips? The philtrum is the divot above your upper lip which creates your "Cupid's Bow." It is a pointless (pun intended) trait that we share with other animals (go check out your dog or cat's nose.) However, according to a study from the University of the West of Scotland, women with a pronounced Bow are 12 times more likely to orgasm during intercourse. I know you were already thinking about that while you were staring.

Now go out and find our biologically perfect soul mate!

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